The void is an alternate dimension discovered by the Australians and it’s inhabited by living light sources, which are hostile because light is the opposite of void. The music restarts per level because the music is playing from speakers inside the protagonist robot, and the system gets reset whenever it enters a new dimension. The protagonist robot is an interdimensional rover built by the Australians to explore the void. Australians have boomerangs and outback hats so the robot has both of those. The “spikes” are tears in the fabric of reality where the void is leaking into the normal world, so touching them gets you sent to the void. The portals were also created by the Australians and they generally lead to locations where void tears have been appearing, so they can be investigated. The protagonist robot might randomly stop moving from time to time because it loses signal with its operator for a second.


Andi Xi (Potato3o)

August Hoff (GooseToes)

David (Duncan) Chen (davidcat6507)

Assets Used:

2D Pixel Art Platformer | Biome - American Forest by Superposition Principle

Laser Sound Effect by Pixabay


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Love the option to read lore. 

The music and boomerang are great

Amazing game!! I really love the music transition lol. The main character is also phenomenal!